This blog is started from my own difficulty with bsnl broadband, I have paid more than 30,000 RS for my connection but now I know how to use BSNL in an efficient way, I download more than 30 gb a month by scheduling downloads in the night. I have even found a way to get the best download speed to my bsnl broadband connection, (230 kb per sec)which I will reveal in a future post. I can't guarantee if it will work or not but I will just post it anyway. And hacking is not ethical, I have hacked accounts, but I never use them I will make post on that too, on how to protect you account from hackers. Anyway subscribe to my rss for future posts on the bsnl broadband cheats blog.
This blog is started from my own difficulty with bsnl broadband, I have paid more than 30,000 RS for my connection but now I know how to use BSNL in an efficient way, I download more than 30 gb a month by scheduling downloads in the night. I have even found a way to get the best download speed to my bsnl broadband connection, (230 kb per sec)which I will reveal in a future post. I can't guarantee if it will work or not but I will just post it anyway. And hacking is not ethical, I have hacked accounts, but I never use them I will make post on that too, on how to protect you account from hackers. Anyway subscribe to my rss for future posts on the bsnl broadband cheats blog.
bsnl broadband dns servers- why open dns sucks for bsnl broadband
Posted by DiggDemon | 4:35 AM | 1 comments »If you have problem loading a webpage or website ,the primary culprit for this might be the d-n-s provided by bsnl. But you have to remember that changing these servers CANNOT improve your dowload speed ,it just improves the loading time of a webpage.I have read somewhere that changing your default bsnl broadband dns servers to that of open dns servers, will greatly improve your download speed,this is completely false and untrue .Infact if you use open dns servers,it will actually decrease your bsnl broadband speed.This is because open dns do not have servers in india, it is actually in some place else.And the time it takes to connect to that place will be enough for us to load a webpage in normal bsnl broadband dns servers.Yet still bsnl broadband dns servers suck , that is why ,everyone recommends other dns servers.
Just wanted to clear that up.....
How to check your bsnl broadband usage before your bsnl broadband bill gets double
Posted by DiggDemon | 6:35 PM | portal id | 1 comments »
If you have subscribed for a limited plan like home 500 or home 250 with bsnl broadband you should be very careful in using your broadband, i myself have been over billed many times by bsnl, just because my bsnl broadband usage were sky-high ,and i didnt know how to check my usage .
So here's how to check your bsnl broadband usage:
1.First of all ,you should know what your portal id is , for that dial 1800-424-1600 and ask them what your portal id is ,if you cant get through dial 1957 and find out your local help line number ,and ask them what your portal id is.
2.Go to or and sign in with your portal id and password ,
3.Then go to My services ,under search criteria , in service name select broadband,account no. -select the number which i given their,and under usage status select unbilled
4.If you have gone to,this might be different ,just goto the check usage section and check for desired month
This is how to check you bsnl broadband usage ,next time be carefull about that bill.
BSNL braodband slow downs ---get your braodband connection to max performance by using the right dns servers
Posted by DiggDemon | 9:18 PM | dns servers, slow downs | 2 comments »Ever get slow downs when downloading something with your bsnl braodband connection,the primary cause for this is that there is a problem with the dns settings that bsnl automatically assigns to us.Finding the right dns for your Bsnl broadband can greatly increase your net speed .Here is a long list of dns servers you can try out , and find out which works best for you.I recommend using DNS Advantage servers,(it has a server in India),:
BSnl Servers or or or 23 or try
Reliance :
Open DNS
nonn-FIltered Srubit
Level 3 Communications :
If you dont know how to configure you settings ,check my earlier post on how to marginally increase your bsnl broadband speed
bsnl stands for bharat sanchar nigam ltd,- india's largest and best telecommunication company
Posted by DiggDemon | 10:48 PM | bharat sanchar nigam ltd, BSNL Broadband, salute to bsnl broadband | 0 comments »Bharat sanchar nigam ltd ,that is the expansion of bsnl, it is kind of a weird name for a broadband connection provider.
" Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is the largest Indian and world's seventh largest telecommunications company.
BSNL was founded in October 2000.In 2007 the number of telephone connections provided were around 47 million. The mobile subsidiary Cellon has approximately 20 million customers. With a current turnover of 8 billion U.S. $ in 2006 achieved a profit of 2.26 billion U.S. $.
Chairman and Managing Director (Director-General for English) is Kuldeep Goyal. "
This is the wikipedia article for bsnl broadband or bharat sanchar nigam ltd .As you can see ,bsnl is relatively a new company ,yet it has empowered into the india's most largest telecommunication.Hope it continues it's saga of such a good growth rate.
Post By Diggdemon from BSNL broadband cheats blog
how to marginally increase your bsnl broadband speed,Setup BSNL DataOne Broadband Connection for Maximum Performance
Posted by DiggDemon | 10:59 PM | BSNL Broadband, bsnl broadband speed, BSNL dataone, internet connection, maximum performance, open dns, stup bsnl | 8 comments »Bsnl broadband is a good service,but sometimes it can be very sluggish and slow like hell.If you need to achieve the maximum potential of your broadband connection follow these simple steps.
Before we start go to and test your broadband speed.
1.first thing you will have to do is change your dns settings and no not open dns , 'open dns' is "crap" when you are connecting from a place like india . change your dns settings to &
to change your dns:
1.Double click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.
2.Select ‘Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)’ and click on Properties.
3.Select ‘Use following IP address’and enter IP address, subnet mask, Default gatway, Preferred DNS and Alternate DNS as
2.Next go to and download their tcp/ip optimiser then open up tcp /ip optimiser then write down the following settings:
General Settings tab:
Custom settings - check
Modify All Network Adapters - check
network adapter selection - your NIC
MTU - 1480
TTL - 64
TCP Receive Window - 126720
MTU Discovery - Yes
Black Hole Detect - No
Selective Acks - Yes
Max Duplicate ACKs - 2
TCP 1323 Options:
Windows Scaling - checked
Timestamps - uncheck
Advanced Settings tab:
Max Connections per Server - 10
Max Connections per 1.0 Server - 20
LocalPriority - 1
Host Priority - 1
DNSPriority - 1
NetbtPriority - 1
Lan Browsing speedup - optimized
QoS: NonBestEffortLimit - 0
ToS: DisableUserTOSSetting - 0
ToS: DefaultTOSValue - 136
MaxNegativeCacheTtl - 0
NetFailureCacheTime - 0
NegativeSOACache Time - 0
LAN Request Buffer Size - 32768
Then select "Apply Changes" and reboot to take effect
Use the following with TCP Optimizer for 512 kbps:
General Settings tab:
Custom settings - check
Modify All Network Adapters - check
network adapter selection - your NIC
MTU - 1480
TTL - 64
TCP Receive Window - 31680
MTU Discovery - Yes
Black Hole Detect - No
Selective Acks - Yes
Max Duplicate ACKs - 2
TCP 1323 Options:
Windows Scaling - uncheck
Timestamps - uncheck
Advanced Settings tab:
Max Connections per Server - 10
Max Connections per 1.0 Server - 20
LocalPriority - 1
Host Priority - 1
DNSPriority - 1
NetbtPriority - 1
Lan Browsing speedup - optimized
QoS: NonBestEffortLimit - 0
ToS: DisableUserTOSSetting - 0
ToS: DefaultTOSValue - 136
MaxNegativeCacheTtl - 0
NetFailureCacheTime - 0
NegativeSOACache Time - 0
LAN Request Buffer Size - 32768
Then select "Apply Changes" and reboot to take effect
(You can also try using SpeedConnect Internet.Accelerator which is fully-automated,to download it go to and type speed connect)
3.XP reserve 20% of the bandwidth :heres how to disable it
1. make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator". Do not log on with any account that just has administrator privileges.
2. start - run - type gpedit.msc
3. expand the "local computer policy" branch
4. expand the "administrative templates" branch
5. expand the "network branch"
6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window
7. in right window double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting
8. on setting tab check the "enabled" item
9. where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0
10. Reboot if you want to but not necessary on some systems your all done. Effect is immediate on some systems. some need re-boot. I have one machine that needs to reboot first, the others didn't. Don't know why this is.
4.Disable unnescessary services:
go to network connections>Local Area Connection right click select properties & disable client for microsoft networks,file & printer.......,qos packet scheduler .If you have other lan cards /adapters which is not in use .Right it ,and uncheck all of the boxes even the internet protocol(tcp/ip)
5.get spyware doctor and scan for spywares and adwares everyday.
6.get a registry fixing tool and scan for registry problems.
7.Delete temporary files regularly.try using cc cleaner.
Now again go to and test your speed i am sure now you get twice the speed you got last time
Post By Diggdemon from BSNL broadband cheats blog